[nycphp-talk] [ot] sftp + scp with linux ...

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Sun Sep 14 13:52:59 EDT 2003

sorry for the off the wall + off topic questions ... but ...

im on rh8 w/kde3 + i have been normally doing scp/sftp'ng php files through 
bash scripts/cli and someone the other day showed me that sftp:// and fish:// 
directly through the kde browser konqueror and was left feeling pretty dumb so 
i went home to attempt it and it doesn't seem to work so well + just hangs 
(although normal sftp via command line works) ...

anyone had experience with it?  the drop + drag worked smoothly on this guys 
machine + i thought id just have to dump my key onto the server but that 
wasn't it ... stumped ...

the only item i could find on google was that knoppix setups had the same 
issue ...

- jon

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