[nycphp-talk] Fatal error when trying to connect to db usingDB/MySQL

Peter Lehrer pl at
Mon Sep 15 14:39:45 EDT 2003

I got it to work by including PEAR.php. That was the problem. Sorry about
the HTML.

Peter L.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Analysis & Solutions" <danielc at>
To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 2:13 PM
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Fatal error when trying to connect to db

> Peter:
> On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 01:12:02PM -0400, Peter Lehrer wrote:
> >
> > Fatal error: Class db_common: Cannot inherit from undefined class pear
> > in C:\php\pear\DB-1.3\DB\common.php on line 29
> >
> > I checked line 29 of common.php and there is:
> >
> > "class DB_common extends PEAR"
> The error message says it all.  Line 29 is creating a new class that
> extends a class named PEAR.  Unfortunately, the class named pear could not
> be found.  It's kind of hard to extend something that can't be found, so
> PHP says so and stops.
> Now, the question is WHY the PEAR class can't be found.  I'd guess your
> include path doesn't match your installation.  Or, perhaps, you botched
> your installation all together.
> --Dan
> PS:  Ditch the HTML email.  See
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