[nycphp-talk] Repost Post Vars

Analysis & Solutions danielc at
Sun Sep 21 16:05:35 EDT 2003


On Sun, Sep 21, 2003 at 01:12:25PM -0400, Jeff Siegel wrote:
> You may have missed my little "disclaimer" in which I noted "
> doesn't directly address your question concerning the header call."

Noticed it.  Sounded like you weren't sure.  Made my points to address
what seemed to be misunderstandings that rewriting would happen in header

> As for requiring a full seems that's not required.

Depends how you interpret "required."  RFC's say the full URI is required.  
Some browsers are kind enough to work on relative paths.

> The PHP manual
> does state that "...relative URIs will be changed to contain the session
> id automatically."

Yes.  That's talking about hyperlinks in the output, not header calls.  
We're talking about header(Location) calls.



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