[nycphp-talk] Yesterday's Meeting. Templates etc

David Mintz dmintz at
Wed Sep 24 09:58:39 EDT 2003

On Tue, 23 Sep 2003, Nasir Zubair wrote:

> Officially, my stance on the templating engine is not a solid one. I
> recently setup smarty for a client, a painful process to setup with no root
> access, but it worked out quite well.

I've set up Smarty as non-root more often than not, and it wasn't painful.
What was the problem?

Last night's discussion was fascinating. All the presentations were
compelling. ¡Viva NYPHP!

I'd like to have another look at the examples if I could. (I want
to look at that function that converted values in bytes to human-friendly
strings )

That Zend IDE thing has me breathing heavy too. I think I'm gonna bite.
Question:  as it really platform independent? In other words, say I buy a
copy, run it on Windoze machine, then remove Windoze and install Linux in
its place. Would I be able to re-install my Zend Studio? Yes I was paying
attention when Daniel said it's written in Java, but still one wonders if
there are any platform-specific gotchas.

David Mintz
Email: See first!

"Y dále p'abajo"

	Tito Rojas

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