[nycphp-talk] Yesterday's Meeting. Templates etc

Daniel Kushner nyphp at
Wed Sep 24 10:47:50 EDT 2003

> That Zend IDE thing has me breathing heavy too. I think I'm gonna bite.
> Question:  as it really platform independent? In other words, say I buy a
> copy, run it on Windoze machine, then remove Windoze and install Linux in
> its place. Would I be able to re-install my Zend Studio? Yes I was paying
> attention when Daniel said it's written in Java, but still one wonders if
> there are any platform-specific gotchas.

When you purchase the ZDE, you can download the following binaries.

Zend Studio 3.0.0 Client
Linux glibc2.1
Windows NT4/2000/XP
Mac OS X 

Zend Studio 3.0.0 Server
Linux glibc2.1 
Solaris Sparc 
FreeBSD 4.0
Windows NT4/2000/XP 
Mac OS X 

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