[nycphp-talk] Zend 3.0 (was Yesterday's Meeting. Templates etc)

David Mintz dmintz at
Wed Sep 24 12:36:47 EDT 2003

On Wed, 24 Sep 2003, Daniel Kushner wrote:

> David,
> I am not really sure how Zend do their license validations. You should
> contact them at contact at, sales at, ide at

A reasonable suggestion. Quite honestly, I'd like to install it on two
boxes, one Red Hat 9.x, one Win2K, and I'd like to do it legally, and I'd
like to do it inexpensively. <whine>I know it's a fair price, but OTOH I
am not making real cash at this full time, we're talking less than
$5000/year as a sideline</whine>.

Theoretically, could one put it on the Linux machine and run Zend Studio
remotely over an SSH tunnel from the Windoze box? I haven't yet
experimented with running full-blown Linux GUI applications remotely in
this fashion.

btw I've already had a little adventure with the Zend Studio eval copy I
just installed. It overwrote php.ini with its own and when I restarted
Apache, she gave me about a dozen error popups "the procedure entry point
_safe_emalloc could not be located in the dynamic library php4ts.dll" and
"unable to load dynamic library C:\Zend\lib\php_ext\php_xxx.dll". So I
restored my original php.ini and that seems to have resolved everything.


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