[nycphp-talk] Debugging phpBB: blank page

Analysis & Solutions danielc at
Wed Sep 24 23:04:28 EDT 2003

Hi David:

On Wed, Sep 24, 2003 at 10:48:08PM -0400, D C Krook wrote:
> The problem that he is seeing is that he gets a blank page on what should 
> be the forum homepage.

I'll bet you a beer that either 
   a)  one or more include/require statements have an @ in front of it to 
supress errors (which has the unfortunate consequence of supressing all 
subsequent errors in that and sub-included files.
   b)  the one or more of the mysql* functions have an @ in front of them.

I'll then bet you another beer that there are problems connecting to the 
database.  Have the MySQL permissions been properly set up and flushed?  
Do the scripts have the right user/password/db names?



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