[nycphp-talk] shopping cart help

Dan Horning dan at
Mon Sep 29 11:29:37 EDT 2003

jon that'd be nice .. but it's entirely a custom cart/store / everything
i asked that to phil a while back

- Dan Horning
1-866-284-3150 (Toll-Free)
     Technical Evangelism &
     Media Systems Administration
MX2 Productions
     Media from concept to execution. 

-----Original Message-----
From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at]
On Behalf Of jon baer
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 8:02 AM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] shopping cart help

Use w/ Norwegian Language pack :-)
- (sorry, not much help) jon

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Phil Powell <mailto:soazine at>  
To: NYPHP Talk <mailto:talk at>  
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 2:41 AM
Subject: [nycphp-talk] shopping cart help

I need a back-to-basics shopping cart tutorial in PHP/mySQL.  I thought
I had it down and I failed, as usual. Here is what I mapped out as a
3) initial work on bestilling.php to contain the following plan:
 1) Cookie: 'nordicnet_bestilling' to contain unique, random 16-char
 2) Table: nnet_produkt_bestilling to contain ordering information
bundled by
           unique bestilling_id (16-char string)
  a) produkt_id
  b) farge_id
  c) storrelse_id
  d) quantity ordered
  e) bestilling_id
  f) nordicnet_registration_number
 3) *PROPOSAL* To make cookie a timed cookie - if user does not check
out in X hours
    the cookie will be deleted
 4) *PROPOSAL* CRON-based PHP script to systemically wipe out any stray
rows in
    nnet_produkt_bestilling that have not yet been checked out
 5) Idea plan for bestilling:
  a) User will order produkt in vis_varegruppen.php
  b) bestilling.php will do server-side checking of produkt, farge,
     and quantity based upon entry in nnet_produkt_farge_storrelse_assoc
  c) bestilling.php will then check if $_COOKIE['nordicnet_bestilling'] 
     already exists (meaning you have an order # - or, a cart
  d) If you have a cart then check if there is already a row in
     nnet_produkt_bestilling with same produkt_id/farge_id/storrelse_id
with your
     matching bestilling_id
  e) If so then increase quantity ordered by the quantity you ordered
and check
     quantity totals against nnet_produkt_farge_storrelse_assoc
  f) If NOT then add new row with produkt_id, farge_id, storrelse_id and
     quantity with your bestilling_id and registration number
  g) -- If you do NOT have a cart (no cookie) then generate a new cart
     id into a cookie
  h) If other people ordered the same item be sure to check their
     ordered against yours and what is in stock before proceeding
So far this is what happens:
1) I enter products into the cart
2) If I delete items from the cart, they can be deleted; if I delete all
items from my cart, the cart cookie is deleted, I think.
3) I try to re-enter the same item into the cart, it inserts into the db
w/ a NULL value for 'nnet_user_bestilling_id' which is
    the cart id (which it's not supposed to do) and browser-side logic
fails, you get the wrong screen and all kinds of garbage I cannot even
go into because it's in Norwegian
I have tried for nearly 24 hours to build a cart and I can't seem to get
it done.  I really need some help.


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