[nycphp-talk] php authentication and .htaccess protection

David Mintz dmintz at
Fri Apr 2 17:44:27 EST 2004

On Fri, 2 Apr 2004, David Yun wrote:

> Thanks, Chris. A couple questions:
> Chris Snyder wrote:
> > Lately I've been using an Apache SetHandler directive to run all
> > requests through a PHP script that sets up the session, handles
> > authentication, and wraps the requested resource in a dynamic header and
> > footer before sending it to the client (with appropriate Content-type
> > and other headers).
> Okay, so everything in a given directory gets sent through a script that you
> specify in the SetHandler, right?

<snip />

It sounds he wants what I want, a little walk-through, e.g., in high-level
pseudo-code, &/or a URL pointing to a tutorial on Apache handlers. Sounds
like an interesting (dare I say cool) technique.

David Mintz

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