[nycphp-talk] hairbrained?

Joel De Gan joel at
Mon Apr 5 17:34:38 EDT 2004

On Mon, 2004-04-05 at 16:30, Allen Shaw wrote:
> Would anybody out there like to tell me how wonderful this plan is?  I'm
> already looking for ways to talk my boss down off this ledge before he
> jumps.
> - Allen

I would say your boss, "ask yourself these questions.":

1) Is it reinventing the wheel?
2) Will it really make money? 
3) How many other sites are doing 'exactly' this same thing?
4) Is it worth the investment of time and resources, will your return recoup this investment quickly?
5) Are you prepared to invest a lot in advertising to bring the people.
6) Overall, what can you give people that they cannot get elsewhere.

Just some ideas that I would bring up in a meeting for a "portal" site.

-Joel De Gan

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