[nycphp-talk] problems with pear stuff

Greg Faber greg at
Fri Apr 9 16:14:24 EDT 2004

um, well actually no, I didn't do pear get XML_RSS, I just went to the 
pear website and downloaded XML_RSS, XML_TREE and XML_PARSER. Upon 
closer examination I saw that parser.php was already installed. I tried 
doing "pear get XML_RSS" but I get "no such command" (the shell is 
bash-2.05a, btw). Thanks for taking the time to help me out.

On Apr 9, 2004, at 1:19 PM, Adam Maccabee Trachtenberg wrote:

> On Fri, 9 Apr 2004, Greg Faber wrote:
>> I just tried to implement recipe # 12.11 from Adam's Cookbook re: RSS
>> feeds.
> Excellent. (BTW, it's actually Adam and David's Cookbook, but I wrote
> the RSS Recipe.)
>> I downloaded the following php files from pear:
>> parser.php, tree.php, tree/node.php and rss.php but I get the 
>> following
>> errors:
> Did you use the PEAR package manager? (i.e. did you do "pear get
> XML_RSS") Or did you somehow install the files manually?
> I presume you used the package manager, but I want to be sure.
>> Warning: main(PEAR.php): failed to open stream: No such file or
>> directory in /var/www/html/XML/Parser.php on line 21
>> Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required 'PEAR.php'
>> (include_path='.:/php/includes:/usr/share/php') in
>> /var/www/html/XML/Parser.php on line 21
>> now, I checked and the pear.php is in usr/share not usr/share/php , 
>> but
>> I don't know if that's necessarily the cause of the error. If you have
>> any idea (which, honestly, I bet you do) please help me. This is my
>> first incursion into pear territory...
> Well, it looks like pear installed them in /usr/share instead of
> /usr/share/php. That seems odd. What is the output of:
> $ pear config-get php_dir
> If it's /usr/share, you may want to change it to be /usr/share/php by
> doing:
> $ pear config-set php_dir /usr/share/php
> Of course, this requires you to make the extra
> directory. Alternatively, you can modify your include_path to add
> /usr/share, but that seems sloppy because you don't want to dump all
> your PHP files in /usr/share.
> -adam
> -- 
> adam at
> author of o'reilly's php cookbook
> avoid the holiday rush, buy your copy today!
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