[nycphp-talk] Mambo users?

Mitch Pirtle mitchy at
Fri Apr 9 21:51:01 EDT 2004

EPAUL wrote:

>Mitch, thanks for your comments below! Have you tryed out tikiwiki
>(, and if so, what's your 2 cents on it?
Yeah, I remember that one.  Not a wiki fan, and needed something that 
was multi-purpose (personal sites, community portals, business sites).  
I tried to get the layouts that I wanted, but they just didn't work like 
I wanted them to.  But I never did get the whole wiki craze either (shrug)

>I am also looking for some feedback on xaraya and the *nukes type CMSs
>Any info will be appreciated!
Xaraya is pretty good, I especially like the 'view article map' feature 
(I'm currently working on a portal with a lot of content!)...  The 
*nukes have a rep of always looking like *nukes, no matter what you do - 
but I'm not sure if that is due to lazy layout efforts or technical 

Seems like all of the CMS are implementing TTW (Through The Web) editors 
like HTMLArea, so non-HTML folks can manage their own sites with a 
simple install and provided template.  For me that was the biggest 
shortcoming.  Perhaps we are seeing the maturation of this environment, 
where consolidation will take place - similar to the linux desktop being 
dominated by GNOME/KDE, editors being vi/emacs, etc.?

In twelve months, I'll wager that there will be five major players in 
the FOSS/CMS space, and they will be almost identical in features.

If you are planning on settling down with a particular CMS that will 
need to serve many purposes, then put a lot of research into what it 
takes to create a layout/template.  For example, Mambo even has a 
Dreamweaver extension where a graphical layout person can 'program' a 
template, complete with dynamic content.  This may  be an important 
factor to you, as it was to me!

-- Mitch

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