[nycphp-talk] Mambo users?

felix zaslavskiy felix at
Sat Apr 10 12:09:49 EDT 2004

I use drupal for my personal site.
It has a way to go but I seen lots of improvement in last release. The cvs
version maybe the best state of the project. It certainly is not unlike
other cmses. The only thing i dont like about it for development is
constantly changing api's ( or improvements ) depends how you look at it.

> EPAUL wrote:
>>Mitch, thanks for your comments below! Have you tryed out tikiwiki
>>(, and if so, what's your 2 cents on it?
> Yeah, I remember that one.  Not a wiki fan, and needed something that
> was multi-purpose (personal sites, community portals, business sites).
> I tried to get the layouts that I wanted, but they just didn't work like
> I wanted them to.  But I never did get the whole wiki craze either (shrug)
>>I am also looking for some feedback on xaraya and the *nukes type CMSs
>>Any info will be appreciated!
> Xaraya is pretty good, I especially like the 'view article map' feature
> (I'm currently working on a portal with a lot of content!)...  The
> *nukes have a rep of always looking like *nukes, no matter what you do -
> but I'm not sure if that is due to lazy layout efforts or technical
> limitations.
> Seems like all of the CMS are implementing TTW (Through The Web) editors
> like HTMLArea, so non-HTML folks can manage their own sites with a
> simple install and provided template.  For me that was the biggest
> shortcoming.  Perhaps we are seeing the maturation of this environment,
> where consolidation will take place - similar to the linux desktop being
> dominated by GNOME/KDE, editors being vi/emacs, etc.?
> In twelve months, I'll wager that there will be five major players in
> the FOSS/CMS space, and they will be almost identical in features.
> If you are planning on settling down with a particular CMS that will
> need to serve many purposes, then put a lot of research into what it
> takes to create a layout/template.  For example, Mambo even has a
> Dreamweaver extension where a graphical layout person can 'program' a
> template, complete with dynamic content.  This may  be an important
> factor to you, as it was to me!
> -- Mitch
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Felix Zaslavskiy
felix at
(718) 576-1923

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