[nycphp-talk] Fw: phpFlashMyAdmin - a Flash client for MySQL database administration

jon baer jonbaer at
Sun Apr 11 11:31:22 EDT 2004

----- Original Message -----
From: "Darren Gates" <g8z at>
To: <jonbaer at>
Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2004 2:41 AM
Subject: phpFlashMyAdmin - a Flash client for MySQL database administration

> Dear user,
> I am pleased to announce the release of a new product at
> phpFlashMyAdmin
> These are exciting times for Flash/PHP development. With the release of
Flash 2004 last year, a flurry of so-called "Rich Internet Applications"
(RIAs) have been introduced to the marketplace. phpFlashMyAdmin is one such
> Now, you might wonder: why should I replace phpMyAdmin with a Flash
version? Two reasons:
> 1) no annoying page refreshes
> 2) intuitive, visual interface for creating, updating, and deleting table
> If you've ever used a database tool like Microsoft Access or FileMaker
Pro, you are no doubt familiar with the table relationship tools which come
with those programs. Such a tool has never existed for MySQL. In part, this
is because versions of MySQL prior to 4.0 did not support foreign key
relationships. But with MySQL 4.0, this is now possible, and phpFlashMyAdmin
is the first to take advantage of this new capability. Enforce referential
integrity among tables, cascade updates and deletes... and do it all
> For MySQL users who need to rapidly browse through hundreds of database
records, page refreshes quickly go from a minor annoyance to a major
headache. With its sleek Flash 7 interface, phpFlashMyAdmin minimizes the
amount of traffic between client and server, keeping the client .swf file in
memory while decreasing bandwidth.
> The best part is that phpFlashMyAdmin costs only $5, and upgrades are
free! So you can be assured of the continued value of your investment.
phpFlashMyAdmin supports the most commonly-used features of phpMyAdmin,
while simplifying the interface somewhat.
> You can read more about phpFlashMyAdmin at:
> Thanks for your interest in!
> Darren

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