[nycphp-talk] Is it worth learning Python too?

Mitch Pirtle mitchy at
Wed Apr 14 12:51:47 EDT 2004

jon baer wrote:

>Also, from a practical standpoint, the more skills you have, the more
>hireable you are.  When an employer is looking for two people with PHP
>and Python skills, and he's already found the PHP coder, you still
>have a shot at getting the gig.
>Point well taken ... although I always find people hesitant to hire the
>person knowing 10% ASP, 10% JSP, 10% HTML, 10% Python, 10% C, 10% PHP, 10%
>XML, 10% DHTML, 10% SQL 10% Come in on time. :-)  Looks like the average
>request these days ...
Whoah, I gotta debate that one.

(pulls up a stool)

I started as a 'jack of all trades, master of none.  And not just 
languages, but jobs too - hardware engineer, warehouse inventory 
management, truck driver for manufacturing, graphics artist/animator, 
accounting systems migration, information security, business 
development...  Fifteen years later I'm a 'jack of all trades, master of 
many'.  And when many are looking for work, I'm cutting projects loose 
for lack of time.  I credit this on my being both broad AND deep.  I 
wouldn't change a thing if I could, as it has been a remarkable, 
exciting, thrill-ride of a career!

Remember the kid who carried his new skateboard around all summer 
because he didn't want anyone to see how bad he sucked at it?  He ended 
up giving it to a buddy, as he never spent enough time on the thing to 
ever pull that 'backside roast beef' that he always wanted.

Don't lose the skateboard, man!!!  Besides, the scabs don't last long...

-- Mitch

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