[nycphp-talk] headers already sent...

Scott Mattocks crisscott at
Mon Apr 19 15:40:03 EDT 2004

> Basically I know why I get these warnings, ie: I'm sending headers twice 
> (the second warning is caused by the header("location:upload.php") 
> function call). What I don't get is why are headers being sent without 
> my knowledge? 

You may not really be sending headers twice.  You will get that warning 
anytime any information is sent before you try to send headers.  If 
there is a print or an echo or even just characters outside of <?php ... 
?> then you have already sent information.  Check that you are not 
printing any strings made up of just white space or that all of your 
files start with <?php (no spaces or new lines or html) and end 
immediately after ?>

Scott Mattocks

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