[nycphp-talk] [ot] Building Linux Kernel

John Lacey jlacey at
Tue Apr 20 21:36:39 EDT 2004

Jon Baer wrote:
> Hi,
> Someone asked me to configure something which is requiring the kernel to be 
> rebuilt w/ specific configurations and Im creating a complete mess :-) fun 
> fun fun.  Does anyone know a really good tutorial or something for building a 
> new fresh kernel?  Ive accomplished it once before (by picking a 4 leaf 
> clover) ... Id even pay a few bucks if someone can spare time to show me how 
> the magic is done ...

Jon -- I wrote a kernel build procedure lesson for a Linux 
class... it's 'bare bones'.  It just includes the build 
instructions but doesn't go into all the actual kernel parms in 
make menuconfig (or its GUI counterpart make xconfig). 
Otherwise it would have been screenshot city  :)

If you need more help than the link Tim provided, I could 
probably go into my courseware and cut those instructions out.


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