[nycphp-talk] Pear, SQLite, PHP4 (repost?)

Tom tom at
Tue Apr 20 23:21:59 EDT 2004

Hey folks, 
(Sorry if this is a repost, my webmail client says it was sent, but it
didn't show up in my mail - apologies in advance!!!)
I need some clarification and a little help: 
I'm looking at SQLite, and would like to use it in PHP 4. From what I've
gathered, this means that I have to use Pear. Is this correct? 
If this is the case, I can't seem to get the connection string for SQLite
right, or I'm doing something else wrong. I get an getCode is returning a
-4, and I get "DB Error: not found". Anyone have any examples or experience
with these? I admit I am new to both. 

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