[nycphp-talk] [ot] Anyone think the Cisco/TCP thing is goingaround?

Aaron Fischer agfische at
Fri Apr 23 10:43:05 EDT 2004

Here's hoping!  I'm actually calling them today because they made a few 
mistakes on my most recent bill.  I plan on asking about the "service 
outage" last night.  I'll post if I find out any additional info.

Of note, we both experienced that, I'm in Massachusetts, and you are 
in... NYC?


On Apr 23, 2004, at 10:39 AM, jon baer wrote:

> Thats what I use as well ... noticed the same effects but like Dan 
> said they
> were probably (HOPEFULLY) upgrading ... only time will tell I guess ...
> - Jon
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Aaron Fischer" <agfische at>
> To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
> Sent: Friday, April 23, 2004 9:58 AM
> Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] [ot] Anyone think the Cisco/TCP thing is
> goingaround?
>> My Verizon DSL service was so slow last night that I couldn't get
>> ANYTHING done, not even basic surfing.  That's the first time it has
>> been like that since I started with them a year ago.  Don't know if
>> that has anything to do with the situation you are noticing...

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