[nycphp-talk] PHP/MySQL offline

Alexander Yurchik ayurchik at
Fri Apr 30 08:58:06 EDT 2004

Hello Mark,

Friday, April 30, 2004, 15:10:52, you wrote:

MLW> This is great.  Thanks Jeff.  So I'll use EasyPHP to quickly set up an AMP
MLW> environment on my client's Windoz machine.  Then I'll port the PHP scripts
MLW> and MySQL tables to their machine.  Two questions:

MLW> 1. Anyone know of a good encryption tool to prevent the whole world from
MLW> seeing my source on the client's machine?  I publish under GPL, and
MLW> therefore, am happy to provide source - still, I would like to know who's
MLW> getting it, etc.

MLW> 2. On occasion I might change my PHP scripts ;-) and therefore would like
MLW> the client's machine to receive these changes.  Any  good way to do this?

Your will may write php script on client machine which check for update
once a day, for example.

Try to use SOAP.

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