[nycphp-talk] PEAR::DB->nextID problems

Mitch Pirtle mitchy at
Thu Aug 5 21:17:26 EDT 2004

Daniel Convissor wrote:

>Sir Mitch:
>On Tue, Aug 03, 2004 at 01:51:28PM -0400, Mitch Pirtle wrote:
>>Also, do you know if the other relational databases do that too (DB2, 
>>Oracle, etc.), or is this a PostgreSQL only thing?
>I haven't really paid attention to which DBMS's do what.  I just know that 
>it works.  I'm out of town, so can't research it for you further at this 

Perhaps this is me remembering things from long ago (probably in 
different environments even), and they have since all evolved... But I 
do vaguely remember when you fetched the current value of a sequence, 
some databases automatically incremented the value while others did not; 
and this had to do with some databases allowing you to get the current 
value of a sequence without issuing any DML, and others would 
automatically increment just by you fetching the current value.  *shrug*

>>As long as you are aware that nextID() will increment the sequence, you 
>>are golden.  This is what confused me
>Ah.  I'm not sure what in the docs gave you that impression, but I do 
>realize that there is nothing in the docs clearly indicating exactly how 
>it DOES work.  Before I left, I updated the warning text in the notes 
>section of the intro.  See the new text at
>Also put a link to it on all of the sequence methods's pages.

BTW there was nothing in your docs that led me astray, I had assumed 
that before a COMMIT or DML statement you would have the same value in 
the sequence.  Again, this may be historical influences, and therefore 
irrelevant ;-)

I like this a lot, but wonder why you wouldn't try to use the sequences 
that were already in the database?  If I had a PostgreSQL database that 
had a PHP website and wxPython client, then the sequence would obviously 
belong in the database; and having PHP keep it's own 'PHP-only' sequence 
alongside the existing one is not a logical choice, no?

Or were there other technical issues that forced you to go with the 
"%s_seq" route?

Regardless, have safe travels and thanks for IMHO PEAR's greatest 
asset!  ;-)

-- Mitch

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