[nycphp-talk] Site Quote

Chris Hubbard chubbard at
Wed Aug 11 14:11:44 EDT 2004

My initial reaction is that your quote is fair and reasonable.  I've 
built a couple projects this large and they were in your price range.  
That being said it's hard to not get a project like this.  They can get 
it built for considerably less money, they could use OSC as the core 
shopping cart, and then start leveraging stuff into it.  Then they're 
in trouble going forward.  Sometimes I ask the client when do they want 
to pay the piper? Now? Later?  Unfortunately the answer is too often, 
later.  I tend to let those folks work with someone else.  They 
typically end up spending 3x - 5x more than they needed to on the 
I resonate with the sentiments, about the need to get people educated 
about the true costs of development projects.

On Aug 11, 2004, at 7:34 AM, Joseph Crawford Jr. wrote:

> Guys i have put in a quote for a site similar to
> and the person said the quote was way too much, my quote was $25,000 
> for the entire site to be done that is tax free for them, meaning i am 
> paying my own taxes.  Thier site included a ton of statistic features 
> and quickbooks report integration etc...
> Do you guys think i quoted high or low?
> Joe Crawford Jr.
> _______________________________________________
> New York PHP Talk
> Supporting AMP Technology (Apache/MySQL/PHP)
Chris Hubbard
chubbard at
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