[nycphp-talk] PEAR DB_Cache is dead?

David Mintz dmintz at
Wed Aug 11 18:11:07 EDT 2004

At you'll notice that the
changelog includes this:

- Removed Cache_DB as it apparently never really worked.

Ouch. I fixed one bug in it, and tried to offer my fix to the maintainers
via PEAR's bug reporting system, and I was essentially ignored, so I had a
hunch that it was being neglected, but...  never really worked? I ran a
couple of tests and profiled some code and stuff and it certainly seemed
to be doing ~something~ right ... umm, such as getting data out of a
filesystem cache instead of contacting the db.

Anyway:  what do you guys recommend? I often use shared servers where db
performance sometimes sucks -- more than likely because of sloppy
application coding -- and I like to be part of the solution by caching
frequently requested but rarely changing data. I see Cache and Cache_Lite
are out there but I'm fishing for expert opinion.

David Mintz

        "Anybody else got a problem with Webistics?" -- Sopranos 24:17

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