[nycphp-talk] Costing

Eddie Haber php at
Sun Aug 15 12:31:01 EDT 2004

This thread was began from a terrible question:

> How much should I charge for developing a Full authentication system...?

Received several terrible answers including this one:

> Michael <mogmios at> wrote:
> Last time I created such a system with a view-action execution system
> with user and group permissions it took me about 80 hours to really work
> the bugs out and create all the admin interfaces and everything. That's
> assuming you'll want to be able to control which modules are executed by
> whom from within the web-based admin tools. You could probably do a
> half-assed version within 10 hours.

I completely agree with John Andrews:

> If you are at a business maturity level such that you need to post a question
> like that to an open PHP list...


> NYPHP'ers would  be serving the talk list well by only responding to such
> posts offline.


On 8/15/04 11:42 AM, "inforequest" <sm11szw02 at> wrote:

> Call me a cynic, but whenever I see something like :
> "Hey competition, please tell me your pricing and proposal ideas so I can
> optimally underbid you" all sorts of red flags go up.
> If you are at a business maturity level such that you need to post a question
> like that to an open PHP list, you would be wise to get a job working for an
> established shop for a while longer - you need the experience. NYPHP'ers would
> be serving the talk list well by only responding to such posts offline.
> -=john andrews
> Quality <a href=htp://>PHP training</a> for the busy
> professional.

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