[nycphp-talk] job: developers and designers needed

Michael mogmios at
Sat Aug 21 08:24:21 EDT 2004

>>As well,  we have a policy concerning commercial posts. The
>>following is taken directly from NY PHP's charter:
>This isn't aimed directly at anyone in particular (which is why I've
>removed the attribution), but I think we have officially gotten out of
>hand about this stuff. We don't need to be talking about charters and
>policies when someone is looking to hire a PHP developer and uses the
>wrong list.
I would agree with you. I apologize for posting anything unwanted to the 
list but it's really quite unreasonable to expect people to remember 
charters for every single list they belong to. My experience has always 
been that many people appreciate on topic job postings so of course I 
didn't imagine it'd cause a problem by submitting such a posting. I'll 
try to remember not to submit such postings here in the future.

Michael <mogmios at>

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