[nycphp-talk] job: developers and designers needed

inforequest sm11szw02 at
Sat Aug 21 11:57:34 EDT 2004

Tim Gales |nyphp 04/2004| wrote:

>Chris Shiflett writes:
>>... We don't need 
>>to be talking about charters and policies when someone is 
>>looking to hire a PHP developer and uses the wrong list.
>When I have posted something objectionable 
>to various lists in the past (typically 
>inadvertently posting in HTML to a list 
>that prefers plain text), I would sometimes 
>receive an off-list note from a list member 
>explaining to me my error. 
>Nobody on the list wanted to be needlessly 
>reminded of something they already knew -- 
>that they would rather have plain text posts. 
>T. Gales & Associates
>'Helping People Connect with Technology'

For what it's worth, I agree off-list mod is in general a more sensitive 
approach to maintaining order, and helps keeps S/N high.
However, given that this is a recent rule and not well known, I think 
Hans did the right thing reminding the list that commercial posts need 
to be approved. In this case I think Hans message was "signal" -- 
admittedly I can't say the same about *this follow up of mine*, 

Now that the list has seen a commercial post that didn't have a 
"approved by the board" snippet, a prompt response from a NYPHP'er that 
such posts should be avoided, and a pretty consistent expressed desire 
by list members to follow rules, maintain some order and keep s/n high, 
let's move further discussion *about* the rules to the 
organizational/development/operational lists?


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