[nycphp-talk] was Presentation URL--cross-browser compatibility

Mitch Pirtle mitchy at
Wed Aug 25 21:53:38 EDT 2004

Susan Shemin wrote:

> Jay, and the group,
> Most people (I've seen the figure of 85%) use IE, and that's why I 
> develop for it.  Am I wrong to have the understanding that only 
> Netscape (using the Mozilla engine) can display the WUL programming?  
> I'm working on a PHP/MySQL site where the no refresh feature would be 
> useful, but again, it will have to be cross-browser, or it would mean 
> I'd have to develop two sites, one for IE and one for Netscape.

XUL is natively implemented in all Mozilla-derived browsers (Mozilla, 
Firefox, Camino, etc.) - but Jay did mention that there were several 
plugins available for providing XUL capability to Explorer.  Jay, could 
you provide the color commentary on these?

I've been researching something just like this for a project that I am 
working on, and it really does look that your choices for such an 
interface boil down to XUL or Flash (gasp!).  Flash has some significant 
eccentricities that would probably limit its effectiveness for building 
a really complex interface.

So I am also very interested in XUL, and looking forward to Jay's source 
download (hint, hint)

-- Mitch, in a soft new chair for his soft old backside

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