[nycphp-talk] can anyone recommend a good captcha?

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Thu Aug 26 13:34:16 EDT 2004

Hey John:

On Thu, Aug 26, 2004 at 12:35:33PM -0400, John Coggeshall wrote:
> What I mean is, you can probably get away with a
> text-based captcha

Agreed.  When the bug system got comment spammed a month or so 
ago, I quickly set up a text based CAPTCHA system for

As it turned out, Derrick said the attacker scraped the pages before 
submitting, which could have defeated a text based system.

> Rather, if someone
> is looking to do that they will setup a porn site and make people type
> in the word they see in the box in order to see their porn and go that
> route -- which is exactly what happens with Yahoo!

Yep.  That's a clever workaround.  No security is impenetrable.

That reminds me, I wanted to add a time check to the system... (hack, 
hack, hack, commit).



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