[nycphp-talk] Possible to send email to _specific_ exchange server?

Christopher Hendry chendry at
Thu Aug 26 22:49:33 EDT 2004

If you have a control panel at LunarPages - can you simply delete the
MX record at their DNS?

Otherwise, I think the IP your're looking for at Network Solutions is: (traceroute or ping

Overall, I'd have to say you need to get that duplicate MX record cleared up.

If all else fails, route it to an email address you have control over
and redirect from there - but that's just plain crazy.

This means that whenever PHP sends an email to me at, it never
leaves LunarPages' network and instead of getting routed to the email
account at Network Solutions it gets routed to the main account
webmail at LunarPage's control panel! Not the intended effect at all.

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