[nycphp-talk] [ OT ] Web Hosting Gone Bad

John Lacey jlacey at
Thu Dec 2 14:19:21 EST 2004

Joseph Crawford wrote:
> Guys,
> i had a web host that was a reseller, they went under and thier
> servers taken back by the company who sold them the space, there was
> no warning for this happening at all.  now the new company wants to
> charge me $20 to get my files back....  is this even legal to do? all
> files on my account were written by me therefore they are my property.
>  I mean this sounds to me the equivilence to walking into thier
> datacenter taking one of thier servers then saying hah you want it you
> have to pay me to get it back.
> what steps should i take in this situation?  I have contacted support
> and they continue to say they are going to charge me now way around
> it, because thier tech has to run a tar command and email me the
> files, which on a properly setup linux box could probably all be done
> on one line.

I'd pay the $20 (get a receipt, of course :) and cut my losses to avoid 
the brain damage.


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