[nycphp-talk] [ OT ] Web Hosting Gone Bad

Jason Perkins jperkins at
Thu Dec 2 14:30:47 EST 2004

On Dec 2, 2004, at 1:20 PM, Joseph Crawford wrote:

> couldnt i get them for destructing data that doesnt belong to them or
> something, i mean i would almost be willing to pay $100 to a lawyer to
> send them a letter if it would get me the files, i honestly dont feel
> i should have to pay the $20 and i dont know if i am going to stoop to
> the level and do it.  However i dont have a local copy of the files
> and i do need them.

I've always held that "pick your battles" is not only an injunction 
against picking ones that you can win, but also ones that are worth 
your time. It sounds like your former hosting company has left you (and 
their former hosting company) in a bad position. $20 for recovery of 
files is nothing, really. Pay 'em the $20 and be done with it and count 
it as a learning experience that sometimes you really do get what you 
pay for (I'm assuming this is the "cheap" hosting company you were 
recommending a few months back -, iirc).

Take that other $80 that you were going to spend (on an attorney!) 
getting in a pissing contest and give it to make a wish or something 
and move on. Life's simply too short to let this stuff get you down.

My 2 cents.

Jason N Perkins

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