[nycphp-talk] PHP magazines

Andreas Gaisbauer listings at
Tue Dec 14 14:13:52 EST 2004


I'm regular reading the following mags:

- PHP Solutions ( nice mag but primary focused on beginners

- PHP Magazin (german version): the classic of the php mags. It provides imo 
high class articels on advanced topics. Focused on advanced users.

- PHP Magazin International: the same as the german mag (with complete different 
contents) - top resource...

- PHP Architect (PDF version): I really like php|arch. Intersting topics, and 
the same audience as the php magazines.

If I have to choose one, I would take php|arch because it provides a single 
issue every month (12 issues a year) - php magazin (print) instead is released 
only all 2 month (only 6 issues p.a.)... Another option: take php|arch and php 
magazin international as PDF... maybe your budget allows you to get both PDF mags...

Both mags provide free sample issues
PHP Magazin International
PHP Architect PDF Version

bye bye

Aaron Fischer wrote:
> Hi all,
> I recently ordered an issue of international php magazine 
> ( and php architect ( to 
> compare the two and pick one to subscribe to.  They both look pretty 
> good, but unfortunately budget dictates that I pick just one.
> I'd be interested to hear people's opinions on which one to subscribe 
> to.  Are they both pretty similar?  Do they tend to focus on the same 
> audience?  Are there differences of note?
> One thing to note, the issue of php architect came almost immediately, 
> whereas I am still waiting (three weeks later) for the issue of 
> international php magazine to arrive.
> Thanks for any thoughts,
> -Aaron
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