[nycphp-talk] WAMP on a new XP box with SP2 possible?

John Lacey jlacey at
Sun Dec 19 16:41:30 EST 2004

Mitch Pirtle wrote:
> Tried that, but the problem is still there.  In a nutshell, when
> trying to install Apache (2.0.47 OR 2.0.51) I get a DOS command window
> that says the installer could not connect to socket, and
> fails to install the service.
> Forget startup, I can't even get though the install :-(

In XAMPP, you can run the "apache_start.bat" file which does not install 
Apache as a service.  The same holds true for MySQL.  In this case, the 
DOS window that is opened must be left open -- minimized, of course.

Have you tried this?


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