[nycphp-talk] php + mysql

Hans Zaunere hans at
Sun Dec 19 16:42:14 EST 2004

> Well, it seems as though I overlooked something very minor in the
> PHPMyAdmin config page and now it works almost perfectly.  The mysqli
> functions are working just fine as well. Now the only problem i have,
> although it is very minor is that I can't get index.php to work like
> index.html would.  Meaning, if I type in my URL, index.php is not
> selected by default, instead I have an index.html page that
> automatically refreshes to index.php.  A little annoying but I can
> deal.  If anyone has a solution, that'd be great.  Sorry if I wasn't
> paying attention too much there Daniel, I sometimes overlook things
> because I have no patience. Thanks a lot for the help.

This is Apache's DirectoryIndex

It probably looks something like this now:

DirectoryIndex index.html

It should look like this:

DirectoryIndex index.html index.php


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