[nycphp-talk] Looks like Chris will get Slashdotted again :)

John Lacey jlacey at
Tue Dec 21 16:13:54 EST 2004

Christopher Merlo wrote:
> Chris S.'s blog is linked to in an article that just hit Slashdot
> regarding the use of PHP with Apache 2.0.  In the article, Chris is
> described as a "high-profile PHP community member".  Good work, Chris!
>  :)
> -c

I've cut-and-pasted some repartee from Bruce Perens...I thought his last 
comment about "Slashdot readership" was particularly poignant :)

  It's a threading issue (Score:5, Interesting)
by Bruce Perens (3872) <bruce&perens,com> on Tuesday December 21, 
@02:34PM (#11150764)
( | Last Journal: Wednesday June 16, @04:13PM)
Either PHP itself, or many PHP applications, are not written to deal 
with the multi-threading offered by Apache 2.0 . So, it seems, you will 
do best if you install one of the less optimal threading models. And 
then you lose much of the benefit of Apache 2.

Apache 2 and a recent Linux kernel come pretty close to the theoretical 
limits of the hardware when it comes to serving static content. It just 
loafs along while saturating whatever net connection you give it. It's 
worth trying out.

[ Reply to This ]

       I'm sorry Bruce, you'll have to come back later. (Score:5, Funny)
       by Mr Guy (547690) on Tuesday December 21, @02:37PM (#11150804)
       (Last Journal: Tuesday September 07, @04:29PM)
       It's not nearly late enough in the thread for someone respected 
to post correct, non-inflamatory, rational information. You're going to 
stop all the foaming at the mouth, and who wants a half-frothed troll 
this close to Christmas?
       [ Reply to This | Parent ]

             Re:I'm sorry Bruce, you'll have to come back later 
(Score:5, Funny)
             by Bruce Perens (3872) <bruce&perens,com> on Tuesday 
December 21, @02:53PM (#11151028) ( | Last Journal: 
Wednesday June 16, @04:13PM)
             It's OK because I didn't read any of the articles linked to 
in the Slashdot story before posting. Thus, I maintain the proper level 
of ignorance for Slashdot.

             On the other hand, I had looked at the problem reasonably 
hard when choosing supported software for UserLinux, so I did know 
something about the problem. So perhaps that disqualifies me.


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