[nycphp-talk] AMD64 phpMyAdmin with PHP 5

Hans Zaunere hans at
Sun Dec 26 21:26:13 EST 2004

> Is anyone using phpMyAdmin on AMD64 with PHP 5?  I'm getting segfaults

Yeah - using mysql and mysqli extensions on Fedora/SuSE on various AMD
64 boxes.

> when I try to use "mysqli".  If I switch to just "mysql" then it works
> fine.  However, I'm using mysql 4.1.8 and would like to use mysqli.

I'm betting the problem is a cross of 32bit and 64bit versions of
things.  Are you sure you have the AMD64 binaries from  And,
you need to download the client libs... and ensure you have the
AMD64/x86_64 versions.  Mixing 32 and 64 will cause problems.

And this also goes for other libs.  If you link 64bit libs into PHP, and
mix 32bit libs in too, you'll likely have problems, which may also be
hard to avoid.  Meaning, unless you're using PHP 5.1 (from CVS) you
can't really point it to use the 64bit libraries.  Thus, if you have
some 32bit libs, and some 64bit MySQL libs, you'll have problems.

Hope this helps a little (and makes sense), but let me know if not.  I'm
going to be writing up some stuff on AMP and AMD64 but the basic rule is
all 32bit or all 64bit libs - don't mix.

Hans Zaunere
President, Founder
New York PHP

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