[nycphp-talk] mysql and mysqli together (with PHP 5.0.3)

Hans Zaunere hans at
Mon Dec 27 14:55:41 EST 2004

> > There might be problems with dynamically loading an extension, since
> > not sure how stable/recommended that actually is.  Perhaps a
> > with the extensions as static would help?
> OK, you're teaching little Special Ed now. I didn't think I was
> dynamically loading anything. If you compile --with-this and
> (which is what I'm doing with mysql and mysqli), then when your
> use this and that extension, it's what, static or dynamically loaded?
> Static, I thought.

Yeah, that'll be static then.  What confused me is that you said you had
set some applications to detect and load either extension, which I took
to mean using dl() ( which can be troublesome.  As Dan
pointed out, there were some problems in recent releases, and the ZO
would be the only thing to make the language itself act to strangely.

Hans Zaunere
President, Founder
New York PHP

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