[nycphp-talk] mysql and mysqli together (with PHP 5.0.3)

David Mintz dmintz at
Tue Dec 28 09:35:57 EST 2004

On Mon, 27 Dec 2004, Hans Zaunere wrote:

> > [...]If you compile --with-this and
> > --with-that (which is what I'm doing with mysql and mysqli), then when
> > your scripts use this and that extension, it's what, static or dynamically
> > loaded? Static, I thought.
> Yeah, that'll be static then.  What confused me is that you said you had
> set some applications to detect and load either extension, which I took
> to mean using dl() ( which can be troublesome.

Ah yes, my bad. I was (mis)speaking of loading PEAR DB/mysql.php versus
DB/mysqli.php by specifying 'mysql' or 'mysqli' in the DSN being passed to

> As Dan
> pointed out, there were some problems in recent releases, and the ZO
> would be the only thing to make the language itself act to strangely.

It was some pretty bizarre behavior indeed, and thank you again.

David Mintz

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