[nycphp-talk] trouble with PHP5 CGI Suse 9.1 - client denied by server configuration

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Wed Dec 29 00:51:45 EST 2004

On Tue, Dec 28, 2004 at 09:27:29PM -0500, Jayesh Sheth wrote:
> to save others endless hours of banging their heads against a wall made of
> green SuSe lizards, I am posting this fix, which I think did the trick (I


> Why does SuSe set up MySQL 4.0 with no user accounts created? Is the
> correct behavior? I guess I should edit the my.cnf file to add users ?

That's the best behavior, as far as I'm concerned.  That way, no 
unexpected, unauthorized access can happen.

my.cnf?  No.  Users go into the users table.  Put them in there, but don't 
give them permission there.  Give them permissions on a particular 
database via the db table.


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