[nycphp-talk] trouble with PHP5 CGI Suse 9.1 - client denied by server configuration

John Lacey jlacey at
Wed Dec 29 14:38:26 EST 2004

Jayesh Sheth wrote:
> Hi Ajai,
> thanks for your post. I figured it out ... please see my previous post.
> It seems that the default MySQL accounts have to be initialized on Linux.
> <rant>
> Xampp for Windows really spoils you. Once you have downloaded the 
> sources for 10 different libraries from 10 different sites, built them 
> using 10 distinct set of ./configure directives, located the settings, 
> binaries, log files, libary, source directories for Apache andMySQL - 
> all in different places -, then built PHP three different times using 
> different configure directives, and then fought with Apache over one 
> Apache directive overriding another, then wondering why  your particular 
> distribution moved some configuration file from some/obscure/directory 
> to someother/obscure/directory, you realize how wonderful Windows DLLs 
> are. If you need a particular extension on Windows, all you have to do 
> is uncomment it in php.ini and restart XAMPP. But no, on Linux you have 
> to first go through the whole compile song and dance - first for the 
> libraries you want, then again for PHP. I may not have said this before, 
> but Thank God for Bill Gates and Microsoft for have spared me this 
> misery of compilation so far! (If only Windows weren't so easily 
> hackable, WAMP would be an AWESOME platform.)
> </rant>

I don't think one needs to go thru all that grief, but if it's any 
consolation Jay, XAMPP 1.4.11 was just released with the latest Zend 
Optimizer (2.5.7) that addresses various problems (like the foreach 
craziness) with using PHP 4.3.10 and the old ZO


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