[nycphp-talk] trouble with PHP5 CGI Suse 9.1 - client denied by server configuration

Jayesh Sheth jayeshsh at
Wed Dec 29 19:14:40 EST 2004

Hi Mitch,

 >Great googely-moogely!  What in the world are you trying to use?  For
 >every linux distro I ever installed (redhat, fedora, debian, knoppix,
 >gentoo, suse, mandrake, slackware, CentOS, RHEL, dyne|bolic, ubuntu,
 >and others I have forgotten) you have an automated way* of installing
 >all of this.

I was using SuSe 9.1. The machine had Apache 2.0, PHP 4.x (as an Apache 
module) and MySQL 4.0 installed. But I just wanted to add PHP 5 as a 
CGI-binary mapped to a separate sub-directory of htdocs, while 
preserving Apache 2.0 and MySQL 4.0, and while keeping the PHP 4 Apache 
module as the parser for the rest of the htdocs files. In other words, I 
wanted to keep the same base system while adding the possibility to have 
a "php5docs" subdirectory where special PHP5 scripts/apps could run.

 Correct me if I am wrong, but I think there are no RPMs for PHP5 ? So I 
had to do this by hand.

Also - I wanted PHP 5 with specific extensions. (After much compiling, 
the phpinfo file would still not show that mcrypt and mhash were 
installed. Must be some voodoo magic required to make it work.)

 >* apt-based or rpm-based (with apt): apt-get install php
 >php-postgresql php-imap blah...
 >Even gentoo was just an emerge away, and the most primitive system I
 >know of (FreeBSD) has packages available...  What distro you using,
 >jurrassic linux?  Did it come on floppies?
 >Hey everybody, we gotta save Jay, he's trapped in some sort of
 >wormhole and only has slackware with the 2.0 kernel!!!
 >-- Mitch, with an evil grin

Slackware did seem cool perhaps 5 years ago - but it is too Unixish for 
most people ...

Best regards,

- Jay

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