[nycphp-talk] Re: linux desktop (wuz: TA04-033A: Multiple Vulnerabilities in MicrosoftInternet Explorer)

Mark Armendariz nyphp at
Wed Feb 4 06:22:37 EST 2004

> I do, but I'm fairly non-graphically inclined. You may want 
> to check out OS X if you want the power of unix and the looks 
> of Windows. My wife switched over and she likes it.

I have been considering this, but I have a hard time justifying the high
price of mac hardware.  OSX is REALLY interesting overall.  Would LOVE to
see OSX for the PC.

> i was very happy to see 
> alot of new "import" features on linux, so i end up mounting 
> the xp partition as a drive and import all my messages 
> between outlook + kmail.
> the design is what kills it, id have to take a 3 month class 
> on gimp to get up to speed on doing the same work w/ 
> photoshop :-(

Interesting, and a damned good reason to give it a shot.  Think I might have
to give it a shot.  Regarding using gimp, I absolutely agree.  Admittedly, I
haven't given gimp much of a chance in my short trials of it, but being an
adobe junkie for 10 years is just a hard thing to break away from.  Wouldn't
mind seeing the flash ide on linux as well.  Then I'd have about no use for
xp, besides maybe for a couple games I never really have time to play.


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