[nycphp-talk] (OT/LUG-ish) Location of php engine/exe for comand line use in Ma ndrake

Dan Cech dcech at
Thu Feb 12 13:50:27 EST 2004

You will need to install either php-cgi or php-cli, your software 
probably expects php-cgi.

Once installed the location of php should be:

/usr/bin/php-cgi for cgi
/usr/bin/php for cli


Chris Bielanski wrote:
> We're trying to get a bugtracking module installed on Mandrake 9.2 and the
> installation requires the location of the PHP executable. We've got mod-php
> installed into apache and all the service bindings for IMAP, etc installed
> such that we can see them in the Mandrake system info panel. These were all
> completed via plain-old package isntallation, no surprises there.
> The crux of the problem is we aren't linux gurus (yet!), we need php at the
> console - not through httpd, and we can't find a bloody exe to run or link!
> find is not turning anything up either. Are we daft, or is there something
> we're missing? Is there a default install location as a SAPI module or is it
> just a CGI application?
> Thanks,
> Chris Bielanski - [CBielanski at]
> Web Programmer, 
> International Trademark Association - []
> 1133 Ave. of the Americas - Manhattan
> p - 212/642-1745
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