[nycphp-talk] 2 more php5 questions ...

jon baer jonbaer at
Tue Feb 17 18:34:10 EST 2004

> My biggest problem with PHP 5 is that nobody is really using it. (I
> don't have any hard numbers on this, just a gut instinct.) In many
> ways, PHP 4 is "good enough," so people (like Hans) haven't felt the
> need to switch their codebase over.

i highly doubt that ... im sure when a final PHP 5.0 is available people
will flock and install it, its when you have a change log a mile long with
each release that people get worried, in fact JSP was pretty much like that,
the spec stayed inside Sun for sooooooooo long and people were eager to use
the new features ... plus Im sure will be the first site to
showcase cool stuff w/ PHP5 ;-)

- jon

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