[nycphp-talk] installing mysql 4.1 (windows)

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Wed Feb 18 03:40:15 EST 2004

Howdy Adam:

Thanks for the loads of good info.

On Wed, Feb 18, 2004 at 03:27:06AM -0500, Adam Maccabee Trachtenberg wrote:
> As of MySQL 4.1, the MySQL client libaries are GPLed, so it is
> *illegal* for PHP to bundle them due to license issues.

Yeah.  Familliar with that whole rigamarole.  Good point, though.  
Fortuantely for Windows PHP users, the mysql extension comes ready to roll
in PHP 5.

> Hopefully, Wez's super-kool build system will know how to do
> this. :)

Unfortunately, haven't been able to get it to work for me.


Oh, that's handy!

> Gah! No you **MUST** use mysqli to talk to MySQL 4.1 databases if you
> want to use any of the special features like bound parameters.

Yeah.  I'm not worried about that at this point, though.

> You CANNOT use mysql with MySQL >= 4.1.2 and CANNOT use mysqli with
> MySQL <= 4.0.x. (And you cannot use MySQL 4.1.0 and 4.1.1 at all with PHP.)
> I don't know if your old_password() trick works completely, but it
> will probably bork other unknown things. I would guess that the MySQL
> folks would consider this a nasty hack. Of course, if it does work
> 100%, I will be pleasantly happy and will want to know about this. :)

Well, I can't say 100%, but at least it passes the PEAR DB test suite --
barring the PHP 5 object bugs we were discussing the other day.



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