[nycphp-talk] your IDE? (was "Zend Survey")

Chris Hubbard chubbard at
Wed Feb 18 13:17:46 EST 2004

Things I like about Zend:
paren and brace matching
function autocomplete, function argument prompting
integrated debugging
runs fine on a mac (dual G5 1GB RAM)
block comment/uncomment

Things I don't like about Zend:
it's contantly asking me if I want to save the current files as a 
project.  As far as I can tell the whole "project" implementation is too 
buggy to use.
It runs so slowly on a WinXP (Athlon 1.8, 512MB RAM) that it is totally 
unusable.  I'm talking "minutes to respond" not seconds.
Price.  In it's current configuration it's not worth the price.

Things I wanted in Zend but was unable to find, (it may or may not 
support these):
customize the default "new" page.
I wanted to create a tool bar with some of my favorite code snippets 
(like print_r())
I wanted more control over the keyboard, what key combinations did what.

In short, I really really wanted to like Zend.  It's almost there.  But 
it's not there in enough ways that it found it's way into my trash, not 
my heart.

I used to use jEdit.  Thought I would try some other tools. (BTW primary 
platform is a mac).  Now I'm playing with BBEdit.  It's incrementally 
better than Zend. 

David Mintz wrote:

>I can tell you this much about Zend. It's got features I love, and, um,
>characteristics I detest, and if I had it to do over, I'd try exhausting
>my other free/inexpensive options before springing the $$$$ for this. But
>we're together now so I'm trying hard to make it work.
>David Mintz
>        "Anybody else got a problem with Webistics?" -- Sopranos 24:17
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