[nycphp-talk] Re: your IDE? (was "Zend Survey")

Emmanuel Décarie emm at
Sun Feb 22 13:17:08 EST 2004

I do all my PHP work with BBEdit. I like it because it comes with a ton of tools
(markup tools, PCRE search, etc...), it has a spartan interface, and is highly
scriptable directly via Applescript or via  text filters with Perl, PHP
(php-cli), Python or any scripting languages that lives on the OS X shell. Also,
the support team rocks, and they are open to suggestions to improve the app.

For an example of scriptability see here (I'm the author of these):

BBEdit Disk Browser Suite

BBEditLib: AppleScript Library

The Zend IDE could be interesting for me, but only for debugging purpose. Other
than that, I don't see why in the world I would change my text editor.

Emmanuel Décarie / Programmation pour le Web - Programming for the Web
<> - Blog: <> - AIM: scriptdigital

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