[nycphp-talk] shopping cart experiences

Mark Armendariz nyphp at
Tue Feb 24 20:59:39 EST 2004

> osCommerce (then TEP) and create a post-osc project.  But 
> that would have been stupid.  Much better to start from 
> scratch, and not deal with some of the weird logic sequences 
> within osc.

I've had many a moment when I wanted to rewrite OSC.  Give it a template
engine, divide the code more, clean things up, etc, etc.  There is some
great functionality in OSC and from what I recall, there was a really
helpful OSC community.  The main developers are updating constantly.  I've
made a few OSC sites, but it's far too much of a headache when keeping a few
clients.  These days I also sway towards rolling my own, unless a client
actaully needs a good deal of the things OSC offers.  

The intermingling of display and functionality is just far too thick to dig
through.  They've improved their classes, but overall they still work more
as function groupings than actual objects.  I can't emphasise enough how
much wasted time OSC maintainence can waste.


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