[nycphp-talk] Easy Install on Linux

David Costa guru at
Sat Jan 3 19:29:05 EST 2004

if you are interested in Linux easy install of Apache,PHP,MySQL, SQLite 
it might be worth to have a look at Collegelinux:

"CollegeLinux 2.5 ( ) codenamed "Obi Wan", is an 
easy to use Linux distribution based on Slackware.

Obiwan comes ready for php development and is the only linux 
distribution so far to do this. 
apache/php/mysql/sqlite/phpmyadmin/sqlitemanger/webmin come 
preinstalled, with a one-step configuration via our own tool, called CL 
server robot.

Not content with just providing the server side, the distro also comes 
with Kdevelop, an IDE that works natively with PHP in a fully 
functional desktop environment.

After a CollegeLinux installation everything you need for developing in 
PHP is setup for you: your server will be up and running and you can 
easily change any of the settings via webmin, a user-friendly graphical 
control panel."

David Costa,
Project Manager

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