[nycphp-talk] Setting up of a PHP Application Framework Index

Chris Hubbard chubbard at
Tue Jan 13 11:26:04 EST 2004

You might want to take a look at binarycloud.

On Jan 12, 2004, at 6:56 PM, Mohanaraj wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have been thinking about setting up a website to index and collate 
> all
> the available PHP Application Frameworks. I am hoping to leave out the
> more CMS directed frameworks and solely focus on frameworks for generic
> php application development such as logicreate , seagull,mojavi ,
> phpShop etc.
> I hope to also collate reviews and feedback from the community on these
> framework and also put them up on the site.
> This information and feedback will then be aggregated into some sort of
> index that I hope will allow PHP users to quickly determine whether a
> framework is suitable for them. Aspects of frameworks that might be
> listed in the index would probably be , the type of services it 
> provides
> (i.e. templates, DB abstraction, caching, security etc), the quality of
> its documentation, community support etc. Initially this Index will 
> just
> be a massive HTML table with all the relevant details in , however as
> the lists gets larger I probably want to make it an index that can be
> searched.
> I would be eternally grateful if you could help me answer a few of the
> questions below:
> 1.What do you think about the idea? Is it repeating stuff people have
> already done ? Is it woth the time ? Would it be useful to the
> community?
> 2.What would constitute a PHP Application Framework ? How do we discern
> between th hosts of Nuke derivatives that allow for module development
> but are not really suitable for more generic application development ?
> 3. What aspects of Application Frameworks do you think we would need to
> highlight in the index?
> Thanks for your time mates.
> Mohan
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